Engagement Session at Burnstown Beach - Kayla + Clark

When Kayla first reached out to me regarding her wedding plans, I was hooked instantly. Clark + Kayla are big fans of dogs, which obviously sucked me in. However, when Kayla explained they had recently lost their golden retriever, and that they planned to have their wedding at their house so he could be felt present on their big day I — well I sobbed, and then shouted from the rooftops that I was available and the rest is history.

As for their engagement session, we headed into Burnstown to first stop at the Neat Cafe which is one of K+C’s favourite places to hang. It was pouring rain so the choice was obvious to enjoy a pizza and drink on the covered patio until the rain had calmed and then we would head to the beach!

I adore how this session turned out mainly because Kayla gave me full creative freedom with how I wanted to shoot, but I also love the fact that they just included so much of what they love to do together and I think that is exactly how an engagement session should be!


Kayla + Lance - Temple’s Sugarbush Wedding


35th Wedding Anniversary - Jamie + Angela